In this body of work, I explore various concepts relating to the notion that we as humans are a part of the natural world and despite this fact we form divides from these natural roots. Through rapid urbanization and technological advances, we have become more distant from nature than ever before. Through modern conveniences we have far surpassed the need to fend for ourselves and live off of the land. In my work, I address these subjects through use of unconventional materials and a contrast of natural color with artificial color. The combination of natural color palettes intertwined with bright pops of color suggests the divide between the artificiality of this man-made world we have created and the natural environment we have built around. The materials I use bring context to the work, for most of the materials I use such as, butcher paper, canvas, and bedsheets, all have natural sources, yet have been transformed through man-made processes. In contrast some of these materials, for example plastic bags, are entirely man-made and will be left to decompose far beyond any of our lifetimes. The repurposing of these materials suggests elements of decay and touches on the impact we as humans have on the environment.